Elder Sean Michael McEwan was set apart on Tuesday, January 8, 2013, as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by President Roy W. Silcox, who is the Stake President for the Salem Utah West Stake. What an incredible blessing he was given. He was promised many blessings for himself, as well as our family, as he served faithfully. He was also told that "being happy is a choice." I hope this is something that Sean will remember throughout his mission and his life, as well as each one of us.

His brothers were very excited to give him the "Elder Sean Bear" they made for him. He got to spend some time with his Brinkerhoff cousins before leaving. They reminded him how old they would be when he returns (most of the cousins shared their calculations with him over the last few days!)

What a great day our family had with Sean as we went to lunch together and then took pictures across from the MTC before we "dropped him off." The "MTC" sign is no longer there, so we had to make our own (Sean is an exclamation point!) What fun times for brothers!

As we approached the MTC, the sidewalks were lined with missionaries to welcome the "greenies." What an AWESOME sight to see so many young people who are willing to leave their families for two years so that others can be with their families FOREVER!
It was overwhelming to see him welcomed so warmly. He was ready to go. We said our last "good-byes" for two years . . . . and he never looked back.
Yeah ... He looks so good and ready to go!!!!