From Salem Hills High School to Chuuk, Micronesia! It's incredible to think Sean has traveled half-way around the world and is companions with a former classmate, Elder Nick O'bray! What a small world we live in. We are so grateful to see these two happy faces as they begin their companionship serving and teaching and loving the people of Chuuk. We can't wait to hear from Sean (hopefully on Sunday because his P-day is Monday).

Called to serve with the missionaries on Chuuk. It was so fun to wake up to these pictures this morning. Elder and Sister Tiffany are some of the senior missionaries serving on Chuuk and they appear to take AWESOME care of these Elders! Elder Tiffany is pictured here and we're guessing Sister Tiffany is behind the camera! Looks like a great group of "brothers"!
Elder McEwan and Elder O'bray |
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