That's awesome that you were able to talk with Garrett's mission President. Everyone in my district is super excited for him, and Elder Obray wishes him the best of luck in the Dominican Republic. Aeration is one thing that I realize I miss a lot, because there is not a lot of grass out here, mainly just weeds and ferns and palm trees (yes mama, I said WEEDS
I regret to say that I have lost my camera. I don't know where I've lost it, I've looked everywhere that it could be, and I've asked everyone that I think might have it, but it is no where. So....if it is not too much, do you think you guys could send me another one? Not just like it, because I don't want to make that a problem for you, I simply want a camera to be able to take more pictures and send them home so that we can have them to look back on and think about the memories. Also, I realized the other day that I still want to support SHHS Baseball this season. So, if you could send a sweatshirt/t shirt and a hat out here, I would be very happy.
A little bit of news this week. I am still working hard on the language, and it's coming along. I had another Language Day on Friday, mainly because Elder Obray wants to make sure that I am ready to train next transfer. Also, one of our investigators, Rino, was so so SO close to coming to church yesterday, but didn't make it. We were super confused as to why he didn't, and met with him about it this morning. He told us that he had some angry feelings about something yesterday morning, and didn't want to be around people when he was like that. So we talked today about why it is important to come to church all the time, not just when we are happy. Then we gave him a blessing, and I'm not going to lie, that was the most peaceful feeling I have ever felt before. I know now that my Father in Heaven truly does care about these people, because I am starting to feel more love and a desire to help them and to teach them. It truly is like Heaven on Earth out here.
I love you all, I miss you all, and I will write soon!!
Ai tong ngeni kemi!!
Elder McEwan
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